Hello. Thank you for your interest, courage and curiosity.
My life’s work is a calling. Researching ‘life systems’, specifically why we repeat generational cycles, now bridges the gap between survival intelligence when there was no intellect and the 21st C. to empower and make sense of our lives today.
Welcome to life’s story and one of the last frontiers:
We try to fix our problems using our intellect, but deeper, more fundamental issues are rooted in a ‘hardwired’ survival system, lost to the vastness of time, when there was no intellect.
The primitive survival system we were born into is the very essence, the foundation that sculpt our lives, but until now, the dots have not connected ‘The survival system’ as a ‘forever force’.
Welcome to 21st C. Higher consciousness.
From caveman times to today’s hi-tech world, ‘we’ are governed by the exact same survival intelligence!
These ingenious, repetitive, reactive programs were created for a lifespan no longer than 35 years. Today, they create all kinds of complications when we are unaware of ‘The system’ we inherited, challenging today’s adult intellect, our much longer lifespan and giving us a fabulous opportunity to evolve the parent/child dynamic.
Here’s evidence of the repetitive and reactive survival programs we were born into. We hear it all the time, don’t we?
• “I’ve done everything I was taught to do…
• Everything I was supposed to do, should do, must do…
• I’ve lived by all the rules, standards and expectations…
• I trusted and believed this is the way life works…
Why is my life in such a mess!”
This person is stuck! Stuck unconsciously repeating the rules and conditioning learnt in the first half of their life and subconsciously reacting in present time to a similar past experience.